Tamryn McDermott (USA) AIR 2014 was articulated by two daily rituals. The title of her show refers to both of them. “My Daily Brick/Sealing Place”. “The built environment is a palimpsest, a place of accumulated human histories that are understood through fragments of visual, textual and experiential information. My work offers access to a particular time and place in my autobiographical memory.
My Daily Brick: Performed in Rome during June 2014, My Daily Brick, has generated objects, experiences, records and memories. Each day I stitch a waxed-silk brick in a different location in and around the city. The bricks are left in situ as physical evidence of my time spent in that location.
Sealing Place: The past is preserved by our physical surroundings, through architecture. Sealing Place is a collection of impressions made by pressing clay into architectural features throughout Rome. The seals, re-assembled, offer a new way of understanding an experience through both tactile and visual records.”
@cretarome #artistresidencyrome #anartistinresidenceaday #ceramicresidencyprogram #tamrynmcdermott @ C.R.E.T.A. Rome