Canadian artist Philip Read AIR 2010 presented the work made during his residency in his show “Celtroma: In the Realm of the Unconscious".
“The seeds of my artistic journey were planted early in my life living in the south of England, a land and culture of myths, legends and the mystical. I have been travelling to many countries in search of experiencing the myths and spirit of cultures and the natural beauty in this world. The mountains, oceans, rivers, and waterfalls still inspire my compositions. Now my work explores the beauty of the human experience combined with landscapes. For me, these are the best of my inspired observations in life; the human experience, the spiritual and Nature. These three subjects in my work are a unified series of lines, symbols and compositions that create a natural balance of aesthetic beauty. I construct my compositions within a matrix of color fields, symbols, light, sound and poetry that explore the multiple layers of the human and cultural experience.”
@cretarome #artistresidencyrome #anartistinresidenceaday #ceramicresidencyprogram #philipread @ C.R.E.T.A. Rome