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Meet Louis Pesce

Lori-Ann Touchette

American artist Louis Pesce creates installations with origami. AIR 2014 and 2019, last summer he presented his installation “Cygnus” in the CRETA Rome gallery. “CYGNUS is a durational artwork created over a three-month period while I travelled across the United States from Los Angeles to Boston and overseas to Rome. The title is Latin for swan (or figuratively poet) and also refers to the Cygnus constellation in the summer sky.

The project mirrors the reverse pattern that my family migrated from Italy to America and includes my travels to twelve U.S. states from the west to east coast. The pilgrimage was articulated with origami by folding swans from maps of the cities that I visited and from printed images provided by my family and


My residency culminates with this exhibition of all of the origami and includes the black

sands from the shores of Lago di Bracciano, a volcanic lake in Rome that is frequented by swans in the summertime. The epic journey of CYGNUS draws

inspiration from the classical Italian heroic characters of Virgil’s Aeneas and Collodi’s Pinocchio.” @cretarome #artistresidencyrome #anartistinresidenceaday #ceramicresidencyprogram #louispesce @ C.R.E.T.A. Rome



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