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Meet Linda Lietuviete

Lori-Ann Touchette

Linda Lietuviete (Latvia) AIR 2015 worked with Southern Ice porcelain while at CRETA Rome. The title of her exhibition was “Bianco Fragile”. “The experience of being in Rome surrounded by the ancient buildings and walls covered with rich ornamentation has been overwhelming. Every day the complexities of the designs fill my head with ideas and I find it difficult to concentrate on my work in porcelain. As a result of observing the beautiful contrast between cultural monuments and the metal structures that embrace and support them, my work is developing in new directions. During this time at the CRETA Rome residency, I started to create a new way to build my forms by combining the engraved porcelain surface with the fine structural forms.” @cretarome #artistresidencyrome #anartistinresidenceaday #ceramicresidencyprogram #lindalietuviete

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