It’s official! We are pleased to announce that Christy Wittmer is the recipient of the 2020 NCECA International Artist Residency at CRETA Rome.
From Christa’s proposal: At c.r.e.t.a. Rome I intend to create work that is influenced by the architecture of the Coloseum and the Roman Forum. These historical sites are feats of architectural ingenuity that give insight into Roman public and political life. The sites have deteriorated to their current state where they are being preserved. They are the physical embodiment of the temporary equilibrium I aim to capture. Using both experimental and traditional ceramic building techniques I will create ceramic sculptures that balance beauty and deterioration, structure and chaos. Within these dislocations lies an openness and the potential to develop new directions and ways of working and being in the world.
#2020ncecainternationalartistresidnecyaward #christywittmer #ceramicresidencyprogram #artistresodencyrome #anartistinresidenceaday @cretarome
