We are thrilled to present the spring 2021 artist in residence Kerstin Abraham with her installation “Grembiule Romano”. Still a virtual exhibition in COVID times but an extraordinary work installed on the iron wall panels of C.R.E.T.A. Rome. An erudite composition that contextualises the visual imagery of the ancient Greco-Roman world and its reception in the 18th-century Grand Tour against the backdrop of contemporary German and Italian newspapers and the raw metal. Abraham extracted elements from images she encountered on the streets and museums of Rome that captured her interest. Individual symbols rematerialised as black silhouette drawings, glazed images on ceramic plates (both vintage and wheel-made by the artist) and as 3-D clay drawings, drawing the viewer into closer contemplation of their significance, whether the “twinned” She-Wolf or the cheese basket of the Cyclop Polyphemus, decontextualised from the narrative of the blinding of the giant by Odysseus.
An aperitivo on the terrace was a perfect way to commemorate the event. C.R.E.T.A. Rome #kerstinabraham #artistresidencyrome