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Lori-Ann Touchette

"Giuseppe Tucci"

The Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale "Giuseppe Tucci" in Rome was an extraordinary collection of Asian art founded in 1957. Until 2017, its more than 40,000 objects were housed in Palazzo Braccaccio. The museum closed on 2017 and the collections was transferred to the the Museo della Civiltà in EUR. For now, there is only a temporary display of the collection, although the completed reinstalltion was slated for 2019. The Asian collection included Japanese and Chinese ceramics as well as works from Korea. Here are two Chinese examples: a terracotta funerary statue from Sichuan (1st-3rd centuries AD) and a Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) funerary procession that was three colour glazed.

#romacittàdellaceramica #romeceramiccity #terracotta #chineseceramics #museonazionaled’arteorientaleroma @ Museo nazionale preistorico etnografico Luigi Pigorini

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