The exhibition “Canova Eterna Bellezza” unites over 170 works to celebrate the more than 40 years spent by the artist in the eternal city. Spanning the late 18th to early 19th centuries, the exhibition excels in its recreation of the artistic milieu of those decades through the display of paintings, drawings and sculptures by Canova’s contemporaries. An extraordinary exhibition presented in Palazzo Braschi, the Museo di Roma, with its emphasis on Rome in the period of the Grand Tour.
Exquisitely installed to recreate the original display of the Neo-Classical sculptor’s works, kinetic statues are also included and revolve as Canova conceived them. The show also renders homage to Canova’s sculptural process through the inclusion of terracotta maquettes, plaster models and finished works as well as examples of ancient Greco-Roman sculptures, whether the actual statues or plaster casts, which served as models for his Neo-Classical style.
The terracotta works range from the maquette for the funerary monument of Clement XIV for the church of SS Apostoli to the personification of Religion from the monument to Clement XIII for St Peter’s Basilica. Another personification represents Meekness. The maquette for Canova’s Monument to George Washington is presented beside that of his portrait of Leopoldina Esterhazy Liechtenstein. A more complicated composition is present in the ‘Mourning of Eteocles and Polynices.
#romacittàdellaceramica #romeceramiccity #terracotta #canova #museodiroma @ Palazzo Braschi