The Galleria nazionale d’arte moderna contains two important works of diverse scale of Arturo Martini (1889-1947), one of the greatest Italian sculptors of the modern era who worked predominantly in terracotta. In the 1930s Martini created large-scale terracottas in his studio/kiln in a ceramic factory. The monumental sculpture “Le Stelle (the Stars)” of 1932 evokes the female figures of the Parthenon pediment. In contrast, the other piece “L’Attesa (Waiting)” is a small-scale version of a nocturnal theme explored by Martini in several works. Whereas in the GNAM version, the woman is clothed and an infant is represented at her feet, in the large-scale L’Attesa” nude woman is seen from behind and her head is hidden. #romacittàdellaceramica #romeceramiccity #terracotta #ceramics #arturomartini #gallerianazionaled’arte moderna @ La Galleria Nazionale
Arturo Martini
Lori-Ann Touchette