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Drawing Courses

Starting 8 February, we are introducing weekly drawing courses for adults, taught by the New York artist, Christopher Pelley. The classes will meet from 10-12:30 every Saturday through mid-May. All levels are welcome. The 2,5-hour classes will be held in the churches, museums and squares of Rome as well in our classroom in via dei Delfini. Rome, the pinnacle of the Grand Tour, has been documented by travelers -both professional artists and amateurs alike - for centuries. This course is intended to introduce the student to drawing as a notatative and narrative form of visual memory employing basic drawing concepts, including the expressive use of contour, value, perspective and composition. The class is structured by grouping concepts and techniques with specific locales in the Eternal City, followed by discussions.


pictured left is Christopher Pelley's "Roman Laundry"


via dei Delfini, 16/17

00186 Rome, ITALY ​


Office: +390689827701

Cell: +393456178232

Cell: +393335700674






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