c.r.e.t.a. rome

Ceramics, Residencies, Exhibitions, Teaching & the Arts

2015 & 2020 NCECA International
Residency Award Partner
Ceramics workshops
We regularly organise workshops or intensive courses on specific techniques and/or materials for small groups. These workshops are taught by Paolo Porelli and occasionally by various international artists. Past workshops have included Raku, image transfer on clay, paperclay, lustre firing.
WORKSHOPS/STAGE October/November

Raku cups with & without lustres: modern & traditional Japanese aesthetics

In-Glaze Lustres: from ancient
Islamic lustres to contemporary
THREE-day workshop:
24 September: 10-16
1-2 October 10-16
A workshop of experimentation with traditional Raku with and without lustre, dedicated to the tea cup, which is linked with the origins of Raku, using glazes with intense and strong colours in search of an aesthetic simplicity that should be recovered. We will also experiment with the strong impact of modern luster glazes for Raku firing.
First day: introduction to the history of Raku, shaping cups using various ceramic techniques, decorative interventions on greenware
Second day: presentation of glazes, raw materials and metal oxides, glazing of cup using brushes, syringe, stamps and wax resist
Third day: technology of Raku kiln, firing at 1000-1100C with extraction of the pieces and interventions in oxidation and reduction.
The first two days will take place in our studio in Rome. The firing on the third day will be done in our studio in the countryside near Anguillara. To reserve a place in the workshop, we require a deposit. Please contact us for more information and to sign up.
For more info and to sign up, contact us at cretarome@gmail.com.
THREE-day workshop:
22 October: 10:00-16:00
29-30 October: 10:00-16:00
This workshop focuses on low-fire glazes in reduction and lusters in second firing. From the historical and technological viewpoint, reduction has important precedents that range from Etruscan bucchero to Chinese celadon and oxblood red, Islamic lusterware and modern Raku ware. We will experiment with glazes to achieve various chromatic effects using raw materials, silver and copper.
First day: introduction to the history of lustres, creating works using various ceramic techniques, decorative interventions on greenware
Second day: presentation of glazes, raw materials and metal oxides, glazing of pieces using brushes, stamps and wax resist
Third day: technology of the luster kiln, firing at 1000-1100C in reduction, wth the introduction of flammable materials into the kiln.
The first two days will take place in our studio in Rome. The firing on the third day will be done in our studio in the countryside near Anguillara. To reserve a place in the workshop, we require a deposit. Please contact us for more information and to sign up.
For more info and to sign up, contact us at cretarome@gmail.com