c.r.e.t.a. rome

Ceramics, Residencies, Exhibitions, Teaching & the Arts

2015 & 2020 NCECA International
Residency Award Partner
C.R.E.T.A. Rome è lieta di invitarti alla mostra personale dell'artista Cori Crumrine (USA). L'artista presenterà le opere create durante la sua residenza a CRETA Rome. Il vernissage della mostra si terrà in via dei Delfini 17, venerdì il 28 giugno ore 18:30.
C.R.E.T.A. Rome is pleased to invite you to the opening of the solo exhibition of the artist Cori Crumrine (USA). The artist will present the work created during her residency at CRETA Rome. The opening of the exhibition will be held in via dei Delfini 17, Friday 28 June from 18:30.

Scolpite nella tradizionale terracotta italiana, queste forme in scala ridotta si riferiscono alle forme e ai panorami di Roma: studi rapidi e efficaci della cucina, delle crepe e delle colonne della Città Eterna. La loro scala a morso invita ad assaggiare gli ingredienti e a determinare la consistenza dei dettagli.
Cori Crumrine è un'artista americana con una formazione in ceramica ed educazione presso la Bowling Green State University e l'Università del Montana. Cori ha proseguito i suoi studi attraverso assistentati e residenze presso la Penland School of Craft, Das Keramikkünstlerhaus Neumünster, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, New Harmony Clay Project e Queen City Clay. Il suo lavoro è stato presentato in mostre personali e collettive in tutti gli Stati Uniti e attraverso residenze in Germania e in Italia. Attualmente è docente in visita presso la Kansas State University.
Sculpted from traditional Italian terracotta, these small-scale forms reference the shapes and sights of Rome—swift yet appreciative studies of the Eternal City’s cuisine, crevices, and columns. Their bite-sized scale invites you to sample their ingredients and determine the texture of their details.
Cori Crumrine is an American artist with a background in ceramics and education from Bowling Green State University and the University of Montana. Cori has continued her studies through assistantships and residencies at the Penland School of Craft, Das Keramikkünstlerhaus Neumünster, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, the New Harmony Clay Project, and Queen City Clay. Her work has been presented in solo and group exhibitions across the United States and through residencies in Germany and Italy. She is currently a visiting instructor at Kansas State University.